Tuition Fees : Diploma

Course NameAdmission FeesS-FeesTuition FeesTotal Course Fees
Data Tele-Com.8,0005,5001,5001,24,000/-

অন্যান্য ফিঃ রেজিস্টেশন ফি/ পরীক্ষার ফি/ ইন্টার্ণশীপ ফি ও অনান্য ফি শিক্ষার্থী বহন করবে ।

বিশেষ বৃওির ধরনঃ

ক) বিশেষ কোটা বৃওি (২০%)। ছাএী / আদিবাসি / উপজাতি / মুক্তিযোদ্ধা পোষ্য / প্রতিবন্ধি ।

খ) সহোদর কোটায় যেকোন একজন শিক্ষার্থীর মাসিক বেতন ৫০% এডব্লিউএফ শিক্ষা বৃওি পাবে।

গ) সহজ শর্তস্বাপেক্ষে বিশ্বব্যাংক কতৃক ছাএ / ছাএীদের  বৃওি অর্জনের সুযোগ।


ক) প্রতিটি সেমিস্টার ফাইনাল পরীক্ষায় জিপিএ ৩.৫০ এর  উপর অর্জন করলে এবং মেধাতালিকায় সর্বোচ্চ ০৩ জনকে চেয়ারম্যান মহোদয় কতৃক এডব্লিউএফ বৃওি প্রদান করা হবে।

  • Students may pay their tuition fees in either monthly basis or semester basis.
  • For non-payment within specific date, penalty will be applicable.
  • Before examination form fills up, students have to clear all dues of the respective semester.
  • Students would be required to pay semester fees before registration process and or as announced by the department. The rest of the amount i. e. tuition fees shall have to be paid monthly.
  • Students will be entitled Tuition Fee Waiver facility or scholarship based on the results of HSC and other public exams and on the basis of his/her semester Exam Result. Students can avail either of the two facilities at a time, the one which benefits him/her most.
  • If a student drops a Semester /drops all courses registered in a Semester within the stipulated time, his/her tuition fees will not be refunded, rather it will be adjusted with the tuition fees payable during the next registration of courses. Besides, if the student cancels his/her admission after dropping a Semester/dropping all courses, such tuition fees will also not be refunded.
  • Fee for “Retake” or improvement of courses: 50% of the tuition fee (ISTT students), 100% of the tuition fee (Transferred students). Fee for “Repeat” of courses: 100% of the tuition fee.
  • The student who will place 1st, 2nd and 3rd position in Semester final exam with achieving Semester GPA of 3.50 as well, will be eligible to receive director award.
  • Tk. 100 for Id card is payable at the time of taking admission.
  • Tuition fee waiver is not allowed for Admission Fees/ Exam. Fees/ Thesis/ Project/ Internship.
  • After the registration, in case of cancellation of admission, student has to apply to proper authority and deposit 2 semester tuition fees and admission cancellation fees to solicit the cancellation process.
  • In case of partial improvement, fees will be applicable as per National University rule.