Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)

Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)


Shoma Khanom


About this course


National University pursues a policy of continuous updating and improving the four-year courses curriculum having 8 (eight) semesters and carrying 147 credits for bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (B.Sc. Eng.). This is to take into account the modern developments in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering, where ideas and concepts move too fast. Detailed syllabuses for all the courses have been framed keeping in view the objectives of National University in this regard, Electronics and Communication Engineering discipline is to be considered in a special way, as it has got a professional backing and, a large employer group needs the services of its graduates.


It aims to deepen the knowledge and skills of the students on the basic concepts and theories that will equip them in their professional work involving analysis, systems implementation, operation, production, and maintenance of the various applications in the field of Electronics and Communications Engineering.


Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) compiles in Communication Engineering and core Electronics Engineering. The course idea is to focus largely on the communication part with the understanding of the electronics field.

“Electronics and Communication Engineering deals with the electronic devices and software applications. It is an interface of chip level hardware and information technology”


The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering shall strive to create engineering technocrats for addressing the global challenges in relevant areas to cater the ever changing needs of society at National and International level.


  1. To ensure dissemination of knowledge through effective teaching and learning in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  2. To excel in Research and Development activities in emerging areas.
  3. To promote industry-institute and institute-institute linkages for sustainable development of academic, research, training and placement activities.
  4. To establish center of excellence in thrust areas to nurture the spirit of innovation and creativity among faculty and students.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) of Bachelor Technology

The B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) program shall produce professionals:

  1. To be well acquainted with fundamentals of Electronics & Communication Engineering for leading a successful career in industry or as an entrepreneur or pursuing higher education.
  2. To inculcate rational approach towards constantly evolving technologies with ethical responsibilities.
  3. To foster techno-commercial skills for innovative solutions in Electronics & Communication Engineering or related areas.
  4. To participate in life-long learning in the relevant domain for addressing global societal needs.

Background of the Technical Courses

All the courses have a significant history of origin. As a technical course, ECE has a background history by providing more detail about the influences and driving forces associated with the Industrial Revolution and the impact arising from the growth of science and the advances in technology on the development of technical education. The Industrial Revolution inevitably acted as a catalyst/trigger for the development of a national technical education system although as this history will show the development was both faltering and haphazard throughout the 19th and early 20th century.

In Bangladesh Advanced Welfare Foundation (AWF) through Institute of Science, Trade & Technology (ISTT) has introduced a valuable graduate program named B.Sc (Hons)/Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Under National University Bangladesh. ECE is called mother of engineering Courses because ECE has introduced several of engineering parts. Such as Electronic, Electrical, Computer and ICT.

Why National University?

A public university degree is always preferable to private university for higher education. National University was set up with a view to reduce session blockage .Moreover; Sinet meeting held on 23rd August 1997 mentioned that private ventures might be subjected to strict monitoring and examination. Private universities should not be the means of money making machine. ISTT has taken initiative to run the courses under National University with this aim in mind.some other motivations that lead ISTT pioneer in this regard are:

  1. National University of Bangladesh is one of the biggest universities in the world in respect of students and subject varieties.
  2. National university has worldwide recognition.
  3. Degrees given by National University have international acceptance.
  4. Degree from foreign universities are made equivalent with National University degree by Education Ministry , So foreign nationals with degree acquired from foreign institutes can easily be admitted at ISTT for higher education.
  5. It is easy of transferring credit from National University to abroad.
  6. National University provides quality education.
  7. Standard of education is better than other universities because of its course-curriculum and preference in home and abroad.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems in electronic circuits, communication systems and computer applications.
  2. The ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  3. The ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraint such as economic, environmental, social, ethical health and safety ability and sustainability.
  4. The ability to function in team and multidisciplinary setting.
  5. The ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems.
  6. The understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  7. The ability to communicate effectively.
  8. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solution in a global economic, environmental and societal context.
  9. A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
  10. An ability to use the technical skills in modern engineering practice.
  11. A knowledge of contemporary issues.
  12. An ability to manage projects by own work or as a member or leader in team.

Potential Employment Market:

This field has an opportunity in two type of industries, Telecom Industries, and Software Industries.

An electronics and communication engineer can work in aviation and avionics, consumer electronics, electricity plant, manufacturing, distribution, communication & telecommunication, computer application, radio & television, analytical equipment manufacturing and offshore industries.

There is a chance to get a central government job, state government job and in public & private sectors.What will be your Job Profile?

Various job titles are listed here:

  1. Electronics Engineer
  2. Field Test Engineer
  3. Network Planning Engineer
  4. Electronics and Communications Consultant
  5. Customer Support Engineer
  6. Electronics Technician
  7. Associate First line Technician
  8. Research and Development Software Engineer
  9. Service Engineer
  10. Senior Sales Manager
  11. Technical Director

Validity of Certificate

ISTT is one of the pioneer institutes of Bangladesh under National University .Students get National University Certificate which is one of the largest and famous universities in the world. It has International recognition. Students get opportunities home and abroad in respect of job market and higher education .Its course curriculum are of International standard. The ISTT students get 100% job placement before publishing their result. They also get opportunity for research and doctoral course with job placement in other countries. Students can also transfer their credit to developed countries. They get permanent placement there. So degree from ISTT have acquired international acceptance.

Advising and Registration

Academic advising is mandatory for all students admitted into B.Sc programs.Students must obtain clearance from their advisor to register for courses.

Upon admission into a program, students are given a list of core courses and elective course, along with a proposed plan for each year of study. At least twice a year, academic records are scrutinized and students are required to meet their advisors to be monitored as well as, considering career option, and choosing elective course.

Courses are offered by the Institute to enable students to progress in their programs at a brisk pace. But it is a student’s responsibility to fulfill degree requirements.

Due dates for tuition payment and registration are announced as and when course are offered, usually one week before first day of classes.

Once registered for a course, students can cancel their registration altogether, or be re-advised into another course, before the first day of classes. No tuition adjustment or refund is authorized after the first day of classes.

Courses offered may be cancelled or rescheduled, if the number of registered students is very low. In such cases, the tuition paid will be adjusted against subsequent course.

Grades will be assigned for all course into which a student registers and will be included in the overall GPA calculation reported on the transcript.

Course Curriculum

Four Year B.Sc. Honours Course..

Year 1 (1st Semester)
  •  Reading: ECE-101 English
  • Reading: ECE-102 Physics-I (Electricity, Magnetism & Optics)
  • Reading: ECE-103 Math-I: Differential and Integral Calculus)
  • Reading: ECE-104 Math-II: Linear Algebra
  • Reading: ECE-105 Fundamental of Computer and Programming
  • Reading: ECE-106 Physics-I Lab
  • Reading: ECE-107 Fundamental of Computer Lab
Year 1 (2nd Semester)
  •  Reading: ECE-111 Physics-II (Modern Physics, Heat & Thermodynamics)
  • Reading: ECE-112 Math-III: Differential Equations & Complex Variables
  • Reading: ECE-113 Electrical Circuits- I
  • Reading: ECE-114 Electronic Circuits- I
  • Reading: ECE-115 Digital Electronics- I
  • Reading: ECE-116 Electrical Circuits- I Lab
  • Reading: ECE-117 Electronics- I Lab
Year-2 (3rd Semester)
  •  Reading: ECE-201 Statistics and Probability
  • Reading: ECE-202 Math-IV: Engineering Mathematics
  • Reading: ECE-203 Electrical Circuits- II
  • Reading: ECE-204 Electronic Circuits- II
  • Reading: ECE-205 Object Oriented Programming
  • Reading: ECE-206 Electrical Circuits- II Lab
  • Reading: ECE-207 Object Oriented Programming Lab
  • Reading: ECE-208 Electronic Circuits- II Lab
Year 2 (4th Semester)
  •  Reading: ECE-212 Instrumentation and Measurements
  • Reading: ECE-213 Digital Electronics- II
  • Reading: ECE-214 Signals and Systems
  • Reading: ECE-215 Computer Architecture
  • Reading: ECE-216 Digital Electronics- II Lab
  • Reading: ECE-217 Fundamentals of Communications Lab
  • Reading: ECE-219 Viva Voce
Year 3 (5th Semester)
  •  Reading: ECE-301 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  • Reading: ECE-302 Numerical Analysis
  • Reading: ECE-303 Microprocessors Assembly Language
  • Reading: ECE-304 Data Communications
  • Reading: ECE-305 Electronic Materials
  • Reading: ECE-306 Data Communications Lab
  • Reading: ECE-307 Microprocessors Assembly Language Lab
Year 3 (6th Semester)
  •  Reading: ECE-311 Optical Fiber Communication
  • Reading: ECE-312 Digital Signal Processing
  • Reading: ECE-313 Industrial & Power Electronics
  • Reading: ECE-314 Antenna & Propagation
  • Reading: ECE-315 Computer Peripherals and Interfacing
  • Reading: ECE-316 Computer Peripherals and Interfacing Lab
  • Reading: ECE-317 Industrial & Power Electronics Lab
Year 4 (7th Semester)
  •  Reading: ECE-402 Wireless Communication Systems
  • Reading: ECE-403 Control Systems
  • Reading: ECE-404 Computer Networks
  • Reading: ECE-405 Industrial Management
  • Reading: ECE-406 Computer Networks Lab
  • Reading: ECE-407 Wireless Communication Systems Lab
  • Reading: ECE-439 Project (to be started)
Year 4 (8th Semester)
  •  Reading: ECE-411 Information Theory and Coding
  • Reading: ECE-412 Biomedical Instruments
  • Reading: ECE-413 Network Security
  • Reading: ECE-42x Optional (Select one from optional courses)
  • Reading: ECE-439 Project Report and Project Defense
At a glance


4 Years


HSC passed with min. GPA-2.5


208900 BDT